PBX = Potential Baby X = Weeny Beany

Thursday 27 December 2007

Ice cream

I've just done something quite mean - I've imposed a tax on Clark for writing a blog of a bowl of ice cream - the mean part comes in 2 minutes later when I realised that now we're in the TWW she can't eat ice cream.
Bad me.
Although, for many years I have made her porridge and all sorts of gluten-ridden things, while I cannot eat them (being coeliac), so I guess that one bowl of ice cream doesn't do much for those particular scales. If such things are weighed up.
The TWW is made much harder for C by the imposition of dietary restrictions. C herself, plus much of her family, have allergies of one kind or another. C has lactose and wheat issues, Princess cannot tolerate cow's milk and has wheat issues. So we have decided (based on studies that show that allergies can be avoided or lessened by avoiding exposure) that C will endeavour to be completely wheat and dairy free during pregnancy and breast feeding. It's not that great a stretch - I have to eat GF, and on the whole we all do - it's just not an option for her now, which I think she finds hard. Especially cheese.
It's like any diet - you always want what you can't have.
J also suggested while he was down that excess sugar intake can cause fertility issues as well - and while I'd want to perhaps verify that, it also seems sensible. But impossible over Christmas.
Christmas was great - very quiet. Just the three of us for family dinner on Monday evening, then Tuesday and Wednesday were relaxed and calm - much PlayStation and computer games and jigsaw puzzles and reading. My idea of bliss, really. What a struggle to go back to work today.
Still very hopeful about this month - haven't been this hopefully since our first idealistic attempt. Signs were all good, its just the interminable wait now. But I am frantically busy at work, so I think it will go quickly for me. Clark, however, is now finished up with work, and will worry and fret and try to do pregnancy tests long before there is any viable hope of a meaningful result.
She's so far beyond instant gratification that it's almost scary.
We just watched An Inconvenient Truth - what is scary is thinking about how much the world would be an amazingly better place if Bush hadn't bought that election. It was a fantastic film - so thought-provoking - I want to move to a desert island and really remove my carbon footprint completely. But then, I'm anti-social, so that sounds great to me anyway.
So I will finish with two recommendations:
1. Watch An Inconvenient Truth - and then DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT! (I will endeavour to also follow that advice).
2. Read His Dark Materials - Phillip Pullman - Not only is it an awesome read, but get something out of that too. Think about the damage that organised religion does to society - not only what it has done but what it continues to do. Don't be indoctrinated.
Happy new year - bring on a pregnant 2008!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Wow. Good for "yall" in following such a strict diet. That is hard work!!! Hoping for a BFP for you guys very soon.