PBX = Potential Baby X = Weeny Beany

Thursday 14 February 2008

Our first appointment

Off to the GPs this afternoon, for our first appointment post BFP. We had seen her two cycles ago, and she greeted us today with "So have you come to tell me you're pregnant?" As Clark just mentioned, it would have sucked if we hadn't, but as a matter of fact, yes we had.

She was very supportive and listed some basic first options, and talked about the optional "early" scan. I had thought that two to three ultrasound scans were par for the course, but apparently only the 20 week scan is indicated (and therefore free). You can, however, have a scan at 13 weeks which is basically a check for Down Syndrome. Given that Clark is only 30, the chance of the baby having Downs is only 1 in 800, so I'm thinking the additional expense is not necessary.

On the flip side, we had semi-discussed using that first scan as a way of telling Princess about the pregnancy - you can't get much more immediate gratification than that. So we'll see how we go with that one.

Chips, in regards to the GP's opinion on complementary therapies and further to Clark's comment, her stance was that she doesn't know much about it. She didn't have a negative opinion, the only thing she mentioned was that she would recommend not taking unnecessary medications.

I personally think that as long as you are confident that your practitioner (be they a chiropractor, masseuse, acupuncturist, naturopath or whatever) has plenty of experience with pregnant women, then it will be alright. Asian women have been having babies for millennia with eastern therapies - I think there must be something valuable to be taken from that. But if anyone has any opinions on that they want to share, please do for our sake as well as Chips'. There is so much misinformation out there, I think its important to understand where everyone is coming from, especially those who have been through it all before.

All in all, I think the appointment went very well. She was very informative. She actually is part of a shared care program, which would mean that we could potentially go see her locally for our regular checkups, rather that having to wait at the hospital each time. In other good news, the Women's hospital is undergoing a relocation and should be brand new and sparkling in time for the arrival of PBX.

So it seems that all systems are go. My main and lingering concern is the law. Our state government is supposed, mid this year sometime, to be removing a whole swathe of discriminatory legislation. This will mean that I will be able to be named as PBX's parent officially on the birth certificate. So I have everything crossed in the hopes that the changes happen in time. It can get nasty, I understand, when you fail to list a father, as it stands.

I have little to no faith in our political system. Lets hope that I am pleasantly surprised. Kevin has validated himself already, with Kyoto and the apology. Come on Brumby.

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