PBX = Potential Baby X = Weeny Beany

Monday 18 February 2008

What to do?

My job is over as of this week. This was expected but still bad timing and I'm still grumpy about it.

There are two big issues with this. Because our government refuses to recognise same-sex couples, I'm classified as a single parent and receive benefits. We rely on that money (though we'd give it up in a second for some recognition!). They've recently changed the laws so now that Princess is 7 I have to either study full time or work at least 30 hours per fortnight in order to continue to receive the payments. The bottom line is, LB and I cannot afford for me to not only be not working, but not receiving payments either. I can't wait for the day when I'm able to work full time in a job that I love and not have to rely on welfare. But I am grateful that it is available to us.

So the last few days LB and I have been going over the options. Looking for a job seems like an insurmountable task right now - I'm just so exhausted. And if I do manage to get an interview, do I tell them that I can only do the job for about 7 months? I feel like a fraud if I don't, but know that nobody will hire me if I tell them that.

So last week, I did a little internet job searching. And I found a couple of things. One quite serviceable seemingly interesting job at my old Uni. Another one at my current uni in the library which seems like it might be an interesting thing to do for a while. And then I found my perfect job. The job that I have gone back to Uni to become qualified for. And from the ad, it seems that I'm already qualified for it (just missing a short 5 day course that the company offers themselves). So I think I'm going to apply for it anyway. If, and it's a big if, my application gets anywhere, I face that dilemma again. Do I tell or don't I? And then if I actually luck out and get it, I've got my perfect job that I will only be able to keep for a short time.....

So LB and I have also been talking about my going back to Uni full time. My current course is only a part time course, and I need to complete this year before I can move on to anything else. So I'm going to investigate doing a couple of extra subjects that aren't necessary for my qualification, but would be useful in my future career, to bring my load up to full time. That would still be much easier for me than working full time, or at all (!), and Princess would not have to go to Before and After School Care programs that I hate so much, and full time study and pregnancy is something I've succeeded at before.

I hate all this uncertainty. I just want to be able to cruise for the next 34 weeks (cos I'm 6 weeks today!) without having to be stressed about all this stuff. Just wish that we were independently wealthy!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Happy 6 weeks! I think you should at least apply for the job and not tell about your pregnancy. You're still early and probably wouldn't be telling them yet if you had the job right now. Even though it shouldn't factor into their consideration, it still might and you don't want to share too much personal stuff right up front. Lots of things come up for employees all the time that require time off. It sounds like the perfect job and you should go for it! Going back to school full time is always a good option too. I'm sure you'd be up for some good scholarships too. Having these choices is an excellent place to be and I'm sure that no matter what works out, it will be great.

How are you feeling hun? Hope the fatigue passes soon and you enjoy the time you have not working. I'm thinking of you often and hope everything keeps looking up!
