PBX = Potential Baby X = Weeny Beany

Thursday 10 January 2008


Clark and Princess have up and left me by myself. They've even taken my dog!

They've gone in search of better air-con and a pool - i.e. to C's mother's house - and I can't really blame them, as it was about 41C (nearly 106F) here today. And to make matters that much better, the aircon gave up the ghost at work today, right in the hottest part of the day. What a pleasant thing it is, to work in an old building in which the facilities die when they are taxed in the slightest. NOT.

So I am now sitting in front of our admittedly decent (if very loud) aircon at home, eating ice cream, and trying to finish up the work that it was too hard to concentrate on during the day. Or at least, procrastinating and not getting done what I need to get done.

I have performance reviews and development plans I need to complete by tomorrow. Its my first year as a real manager with all the trimmings (except the pay packet, although I did get a reasonable rise today as a matter of fact). And I'm finding the administrative part of it all a bit daunting. Never fear, my managers are very supportive, and I have the prospect of two whole weeks annual leave ahead of me, so I find myself maintaining my equanimity quite well, despite the circumstances.

Added to the whole TTC shebang, and the looming prospect of a rather horrible selection of subjects to study this year, I'm feeling a bit overwhelmed. Hopefully, this holiday will be fun and relaxing and I will come back refreshed and rejuvenated. Hah. So often you come back from a trip more tired than you started out. But we can always hope.

But I should get back to my work...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

A/C + ICE CREAM = LOVE! Hoping for a wonderful holiday for you.