PBX = Potential Baby X = Weeny Beany

Friday 4 January 2008

looking at silver lining... just in case.

temp dropped again this morning - but only a very small amount. I'm beginning to be disillusioned and am preparing myself for disappointment. I just don't want to be crushed again. LB is a bit exasperated with me I think. This morning she left the house for work with the words.. 'Fine, be pessimistic if you want to, but I won't be'.

So the silver lining. We're taking Princess on a holiday to Queensland on the 12th. We're going to theme parks. If I'm pg, there will be no rides and waterslides for me. So If I'm not, at least I'm going to have a week of fun with my girls! And after that week, LB and I are going to drop Princess off with her grandparents and then go away somewhere to reconnect, just the two of us. Problem is, until we know if we've been successful or not, we can't make any plans... cos that week falls right on when I'd be ovulating. So If we failed this month, we need to go to Sydney to see J, then find somewhere nearby to hole up and relax. It's only about a 10 hour drive away! Our plan in the alternative is to find some charming quiet BnB close by to Princess's grandparents to cut out the driving. Either way, we get to have a week to ourselves, with no working, no demands, no house to clean (which I'm studiously ignoring right now). YAY!

I'm taking Princess to the naturopath this morning. Need to get to the bottom of her allergies and intolerances and skin conditions and constant chest infections......


Anonymous said...

seriously hoping you can't go on those water slides!
best of luck!

Anonymous said...

i hope there are NO RIDES FOR YOU!!! keep holding on to that silver lining. all fingers crossed for you!