PBX = Potential Baby X = Weeny Beany

Saturday 26 January 2008


We are back from our amazing holiday and I'm not happy about that at all for a number of reasons, which I will now proceed to whine about:
  • A teenage neighbour is having a party. They are playing the same crappy hip hop songs over and over again at a very high volume and shrieking incessantly. I'm alternately cursing them and berating myself for being an old fuddy duddy. It's horrible that we just came from a wonderful place of such peace and tranquility only for our hard earned relaxed states to be destroyed by teenage girls.
  • It's hot and I hate the heat.
  • There is only a few more days before the whole stressful work and school routine begins again.
  • Princess is not here and won't return until Monday when R1 and R2 bring her back. That was supposed to be tomorrow but we returned to a message requesting an extra day and we thought it would be somewhat surly to just pout NO because we miss her.
  • My father is returning to the country from China for two weeks on Tuesday and I don't want to deal with his crap but know that I will.
  • LB is stressed about the imminent stress of work.
  • I'm ignoring the fact that I have to start looking for jobs in a few days.
  • Maybe bad news for two of my favourite bloggers, vee and jay and notesfrom2moms. Am thinking of them all and cursing the world on their behalf. UPDATE: While the universe continues to suck for vee and jay (FUCK!), things seems much more positive for notesfrom2moms with a BFP! Go girls.
  • Feeling a distinct lack of positivity and optimism for this cycle. For some reason, it just doesn't even feel like I'm in a TWW.
  • Am freaked out by the stories we heard last night from three different lesbian couples about their fertility struggles. One gave up after years of anguish and debt and have just found out their foster son (who has been with them since 4m old) will be with them permanently. One couple had 2 years of trying, one hysterectomy then IVF for a number of cycles and now have a small daughter, and the others took a long long time to conceive their son, and then with major medical intervention. All happy endings but it just made me realise just how short our journey has been, even if it has been incredibly painful already. It made me think about just how far we may have to go.
  • LB is at CD almost 60, 20 DPO, her temps remain remarkably high and FF is telling her it's time to test. She is exhausted, has sore boobs and feels sick a lot. It's just a damned shame that there is no possible way, excluding immaculate conception, that she could be pregnant! I hate that she feels so yucky for no apparent reason and there is very little I can do to fix that.
  • Maria Sh.arapova won the Aus.tralian Open. My vehement dislike for her is something not even I can adequately explain.
Alrighty then. Time to stop whining. Maybe I'll be more positive tomorrow....


Anonymous said...

the beginning of tww's are always so hard... keep your head up. I'm wishing for you... thanks for the shout out in your blog... you may need to edit it though... took a hpt test today and it was positive!!!! going in for a beta on monday.

Anonymous said...

I can't stand Maria either. Something about her!! Thanks for the well-wishes girl. Keep hoping for you guys :) I hate TWW's.