PBX = Potential Baby X = Weeny Beany

Thursday 10 January 2008

I'm a feminist too...

I was reading over my epic blog yesterday and one sentence grated on me. I said that I define myself as a wife and mother.

That's not exactly true. I'm a lot of other things too. I am a fully qualified lawyer and am well on my way to being a psychologist too. I have spent the last two years caring for a number of babies and toddlers on some days, and on other days have helped tradesman negotiate decent working conditions. I have ambition and plans and am going to do a lot with this life of mine. But my number one priority is my family. That's what I meant. Without my family, the rest is meaningless.

And I'm a feminist. By that, I meant that I strongly believe that every woman should have the right and the ability and the opportunity to do with her life what she chooses to do. Whatever that may be. And that is what I am teaching my daughter, and the other little girls that I care for.

Isn't it interesting that a highly educated woman feels the need to justify her overwhelming focus on her family with all of her other achievements? The world is seriously screwed up. It really shows me how much femininity and motherhood are devalued when I even begin to do it myself....

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