PBX = Potential Baby X = Weeny Beany

Thursday 31 January 2008

Baby boom

I'm addicted to news and gossip sites. (and increasingly, to blogs too now!)
Every time that I check them out lately, there is at least one, if not several, reports of various celebrities announcing that they are expecting. Or rumours of the same kind. They make it seem so bloody easy.

And to add insult to injury (i just love that saying), there have been reports here recently that a staggering number of pregnancies in Australia are not only unplanned, but occur despite the use of condoms and the pill. So not fair! Why is it so hard for those of us who so desperately want to have children, and so damned easy for all of those other people?

I must admit to some guilt in this issue though. Princess was conceived in those very same circumstances. When all odds were against it, when I was doing every possible thing you shouldn't do when TTC. (It helped that I was going through an absolute denial stage - no, I am not a lesbian!)

Am getting my comeuppance now though! Sometimes I wonder if it's all so hard this time because it was all so easy last time. Karma or something.

So it's DPO 9 today. Temp did a massive jump this morning. I fell asleep immediately after we got Princess to bed after her first day of Grade 3 (can't believe that she's one of the big kids now!). So slept for 11 hours and now just want to go back to sleep even though I've only been up for 4 hours. Breasts are still tender, feeling a bit sick (but that's really not unusual for me). My brain is racing off in a million directions... what if?


Anonymous said...

thinking good thoughts, sending you luck

Unknown said...

What if, indeed!! Sending you lots of good baby dust wishes!

Anonymous said...

i got pregnant on a one night mess when i was barely 18 and miscarried. lately i've been wondering how on earth that was so simple (although very unplanned an not wanted) and this process is so complex. it just is what it is i guess. my babe would be 7, but it seems like yesterday.

i reeaallyy want this one to work for you. i have high hopes!
