PBX = Potential Baby X = Weeny Beany

Monday 7 January 2008

Waterslides, here i come!

CD1. Crap.

Although I had all but given up as soon as i saw the BFNs. Although temps remained high until this morning, I started spotting last night and then knew for sure that it was all over. Again.

LB is bummed. Probably more than I am, which is unusual.

So now begins the usual cycle of recriminations. Why isn't it working? Is there something wrong with me? Will I ever be able to pull this off? Why must my body betray me so thoroughly by fabricating so many symptoms. Why must I be fooled by that every time?

But we have a plan. Insemination next month will be far easier to organise. LB and I will be on holiday, so we'll just go spend the week somewhere near J. And maybe do multiple insems with less rushing around. And then the month after that, we will finally be able to go to a clinic and get some help with all this.


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Bollocks. Sorry to read that.

And what is it with those phantom symptoms every month? I often wonder if they've been there all my adult life and I've never noticed them. It's the same with ovulation - I swear I can feel it now, practically down to the hour, but I certainly never noticed it before.

Anyhow, your plan for next cycle sounds like a good one and it's comforting to know you have the clinic up your sleeve for later, should you need it (which I hope you won't).

Unknown said...

I'm glad next cycle will be easier- sorry to hear you have to make those plans.

j.k-c. said...

Don't you just hate cd1....and I also hate feeling like a fool every month. Not much we can do about it....that silly thing called hope always rears its ugly head. ;)
Take good care of yourselves.
Here's hoping that this this cycle is it!

Anonymous said...

Ugh. I am so sorry. I wish this whole process was just easy. Things never can be though, can they...?

Enjoy the time together on the holiday, and do as many insems as you can. Good luck girlies. I hope this next cycle you'll have success. Lots of hugs.